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Hi! My name is Cora! I've created this website as part of my Gold Award Project for Girl Scouts. On this page you will find an outline of what I did to complete the different aspects of my project and my motivation for it all.

My Project

Originally, I faced the predicament of choosing a topic for my project. Deciding that I really care about the environment, I knew that I wanted to select an issue in that area. When discussing the topic with my Girl Scout leaders, one mentioned that the Meadowlands Conservation Center might still need some help restoring their lands from the aftermath of Hurricane Sandy. I began doing some research about the damage and pollution in my area. Now, I knew I wanted to address the issue of ground pollution. Then, I contacted a representative from the Meadowlands Conservation Trust to advise me in my project. While pitching my idea of a cleanup day, they alerted me of their need for birdhouses, as well.

My advisor told me that their land at Skeetkill Creek Marsh needed the cleanup the most, so I began by choosing a date. After, I was told to inquire whether the Hackensack Riverkeeper or the town's DPW could provide equipment for the cleanup. Also, I contacted the DPW of that town to arrange for them to pick up the garbage collected that day. After the initial set up, the only thing left to do was to recruit volunteers. You can see how I did so in "Spreading the Message." Finally, it just came down to everyone showing up, and cleaning up garbage at the site.

First, I wrote a letter explaining the purpose of my project and the supplies I would require to build the birdhouses. I delivered copies of this letter to multiple Home Depots, Lowes, and local hardware stores in my area. Eventually, one of the Home Depot locations responded to me, offering to donate all the necessary supplies.

The Beginning
 The Cleanup
 The Cleanup
 Spreading the Message
 The Birdhouses

I began by researching information and visual aids to put in a slideshow presentation. When finished, my presentation included a lesson on pollution, the information about the cleanup day, a lesson on backyard birding, and how individuals can help. Then, I created flyers and sign up sheets advertising my project to be posted around my school. I had to meet with my school's superintendent to receive approval to advertise and give my presentation within the school system. After receiving consent, I then had to seek approval and assistance from the schools' librarians for me to present my slideshow after school. Besides giving a presentation, I advertised my project throughout the schools through the morning announcements, as well.


Also, another easy way of advertising for the event and my website, and recruiting volunteers was by posting on my personal social media accounts.


The most obvious way I spread the message was by making this website. Compiling my previous and new research, I constructed this website. It allowed me to expand upon all the important topics more and reach a global audience.


Lastly, I wrote and submitted an article featuring an overview of my project to the local newspaper. An article in the Gazette was the perfect way to reach a lot of people in my area, as it is the newspaper for multiple different towns.

Spreading the Message

Skeetkill Cleanup

Bags Collected: 25

Most Trash: Cora & Co.

Most Interesting: coconut

Tire Count: 3

Next, I needed to recruit volunteers to help me build the birdhouses. You can see how I advertised in "Spreading the Message." I also spoke with the school environmental club advisor to see, if they were willing to help. (Although it ended up being unneeded, even the art club offered to help.)

Now, with a list of independent volunteers and a school club interested in helping, I went to pick up the supplies from Home Depot. To expedite the assembly process, I prepared the wood at first myself, cutting the planks to the proper lengths. I ended up meeting with the groups of volunteers a few times to complete the birdhouses. When all the birdhouses were finished, I packed them up and delivered them to the Meadowlands Conservation Trust.

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