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Build Your Own Birdhouse!

 Every day millions of trees are cut down around the world for various reasons. Each one of those trees used to be a home for many different types of wildlife. As the ones destroying animals' habitats, it should be our duty to provide them with areas to live.

In my area, Tree Swallows nest at a number of sites in the Meadowlands and Hackensack River watershed, as they migrate each year. Their natural nesting habitat was originally around water bodies and wetland margins within the nooks and crannies of standing dead trees. Nest boxes provided by humans enable the Tree Swallows to expand their habitat to treeless areas, where these birds have increased their populations. These birdhouses can also accommodate a variety of backyard bird species including Chickadees, Tufted Titmice, Wrens, Nuthatches, and more.

Below are the plans I used to build the birdhouses and a picture of the finished project. However, for your assistance, there is a video above that gives a walk-through of how to build the birdhouse. Please, be aware that the birdhouse in the video is slightly different, and does not have a swinging door for cleaning. For easy cleaning access, when attaching the right wall, do not use wood glue. Attach it by using only two nails at the top of the wall. It is important to make sure these nails are placed at even heights to allow the wall to pivot. Good luck, have fun, and be careful!

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